Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Christmas Spirit

Today is my last day in the great Pacific Northwest. I am sitting in a big comfy chair at my in-laws house (no not the really big comfy chair) watching the rain washing away the snow. Overall this break has been the rest, relaxation and jubilation that I needed!

What have I been doing? Well... Last Tuesday, let's see that would be the 22nd, I flew into Seattle from St. Louis to surprise my mom. My mother thought I was going to be flying into Portland on the 26th and my family managed to keep quite a tight lip about the real time. I was driven from the airport home by my brother. My dad opened the front door, my mom looks up at me from her computer, looks back down, realizes who she is seeing, looks back up and starts yelling out of excitement.
"What is wrong, why are you here?"
Well merry Christmas mom!! Apparently after the fact she said her first thoughts were, "Did someone die? Something must be terribly wrong!" So we laughed about it as we moved my bags into my old room.

Matthew came up later that day (he flew into Portland the day before - Monday - into PDX) and we spent three lovely days with my family and friends. Christmas morning my brothers, Mel, mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, and a friend of Christopher's all gathered around with Matthew and I to celebrate Christmas (oh and Watson too). Of course there were lots of fun things given and received - I got some great clothes, a coast guard nutcracker, a new raincoat, a new computer power cord from Christopher and lots of love. I was reminded that Christmas isn't really about the presents, well at least now that I am out of elementary school, but it is about family and Jesus setting the ultimate example of love for us. Not a love that judges, excludes or refuses, but one that gives after being refused, judged and excluded - an interesting principle that I have forgotten these last few months. Its nice to be reminded.

So later Christmas day we made the trek down to Cornelius to Matthew's Parent's house. We were welcomed with open arms by Mike, Liz, Katie, and Steph and Robbie. It was great again to see them after such a long time. We opened up presents after dinner and had a wonderful end of Christmas with them.

Saturday Liz, Katie, Steph and I attacked the mall at 8am, ready to search and find those precious sales, while waiting for Katie in the dressing room :) . Sunday we went to church and spoke with the congregation that has been supporting us for so long. Also saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie - thought it was a good mixture of seeming superstitious and also explaining the superstition away - a good demonstration of a more spiritual superstitious culture which we have not seen in America for quite some time (which has both pros and cons - just to clarify).

Monday started grumpily and turned glorious - how is that for an introduction?! I was supposed to meet with my best friends aka the liver girls but unfortunately one's car broke down, one got really sick, and two I couldn't get a hold of. I mean I have been looking forward to seeing them so much - since I hadn't seen them since mid-august. So i guess I could wait one more day - right? Well Matthew and I - both grumpy and unpleasant travelled to CU to drop some papers off for Matthews dad and we decided to drop by the Eggerts house (the Eggerts provided marriage counseling for Matthew and I, and John Eggert married us). We were able to speak with both John and Jeanette over a quaint cup of tea. Please remember John in your prayers as he suffers from lack of energy and the doctors not being able to figure it out. Overall it was so good to sit down and discuss St. Louis and life with these dear friends and mentors.

Tuesday the sun started getting a little brighter (metaphorically of course) Kristine, Maria and I met for brunch and simply talked. It was so refreshing to once more be in company of these beautiful, intelligent and motivated women. We quickly went to Target and then back to Kristine's house (where Maria and I both lived at different points) our eventual goal was to head back to the Warmbier's house where we would be celebrating Matthew's birthday with a number of friends. While we were at Kristine's house it started snowing wonderfully large flakes. We left Kristine's house about 10 minutes later to start our journey towards Hillsboro when we hit traffic - with the snowfall, rush hour, and Portland drivers (who incidentally all have seemingly allergic reactions to snowfall) the normal 45 minute journey ended up taking over 2 hours. By the point the snow was building up and Kristine and Maria decided they would spend the night rather than trying to get home through the snow ridden roads in the dark. Because of the snowfall (I am telling you - Western Washington and Oregon residents are terrified of snow) Many people couldn't come make it to the party but we had a good time with my parents, Matthew's parents, Kristine, maria and Alicia.

Despite the predictions from our wonderful weathermen that the snow would have disappeared by the morning it dawned clear with snow crystals still decorating the scenery. Kristine, Maria, Matthew and I traveled into town to meet the one remaining elusive liver girl that I had yet to see - Courtney. Meeting at Starbucks like old times and then having lunch at BJ's was like an infusion of warmth to my heart. Parting out of exhaustion and prior engagements we departed tired and comforted to spend the rest of the day watching movies and just relaxing (while Matthew was nursing a runny nose).

Today promises once again to be full of heart and love. Serena is finally able to make the journey to Portland where Kristine, Courtney and I will be able to meet with her. Talk about full of love! this Christmas has allowed me to think, has reminded me that life is much more than me, and enabled me to be with family. New Years Resolutions -I don't need them - but Christ has offered a pretty good guideline on how to live already - feed the poor - take care of orphans and widows in distress - love your neighbors as you love yourself - love God above all... that is what I need.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving and Beyond

This blog post is dedicated to Becca the faithful follower...

Well although it is now Wednesday December 2nd (goodness - december already?) and I am sure there are many wonderful things I should blog about this glorious day - I am going to backtrack a little bit.

Thanksgiving was a wonderful time of food and friends. We spent the evening at our friend's Justin and Jessica's apartment where we had a delicious meal, interesting conversation and played a great game of Quiddler. Justin is currently a first year at the Seminary with Matthew and Jessica teaches at a Montessori school in St. Louis.

The next morning Jess and I hit the stores! Well that is at 8:30 in the morning with coffee in our hand (chai for me). Our first stop Target was surprisingly not busy, well not as busy as we expected. We picked up a few items (ha! like I would disclose the presents we bought online) then headed to Walmart a little ways down the road. Walmart was a step up on the ladder of busyness but nothing we couldn't handle. We then returned back to Target and picked something else we had had our eyes on and got in the car.

The real shopping started after leaving Target for the second time. We drove to the mall in West County (fact about St. Louis - because there are 'minimalls' just about everywhere there isn't one central place to go shopping that has everything) where we found all of West County waiting for a parking space - we waited the traditional black friday amount for a parking spot (about 20 minutes) and crammed ourselves into the black hole of people. After smelling every Yankee Candle, going completely through Macy's about three times, and calming down a woman who was about to explode if they didn't honor the sale prices we decided it was time to take a hike. We stopped at Noodles and co., had a nice lunch and finished the day at 3pm with a quick peek at Michaels and Kohls. Needless to say I was worn out, once I got home I zonked out (actual definition: 1. stupified by or as if by alcohol or drugs, 2. exhausted or asleep --- I will take the latter) for about two hours.

Friday Matthew and I had a relaxing day - we went to Soulard's Market - met Jess and Justin there and continued on to do nothing! The weekend and pretty much up until now we have been recovering from break.

Matthew started classes on Monday a great relief to him (not that I am so mean) to have some structure back in his life. He is only taking 12 credits this semester which is lighter than last semester and still less homework than his final semester at Concordia. His favorite class is with Dr. Burreson currently learning about different styles of worship.

My job is going splendidly so far. I am moving offices hopefully next week - which means this week I get to paint it! I am hoping for a light blue - but we will see.

We are really looking forward to coming home for Christmas only a few more short weeks and we will be home!
This is an old photo - the first time Matthew and I did something together - with Courtney of course!

Much Love -and congratulations to Courtney and Kirk-

Sunday, November 22, 2009

We have done a little exploring...

So we took a few afternoons and went exploring...

Friday we went to a bookstore in St. Louis which was lets say interesting. It was a two story house absolutely stock full of books from floor to ceiling. It was built in the 1920's - complete with a basement that was about 6'0 tall with books crammed everywhere - we also found a book stamped with the seal of Matthew's church in Cornelius that was relatively new! The staircase leading upstairs had a width about 3ft and a depth of about 4 inches... The upstairs was so crowded with books that I had to leave because I was hyperventiliating - I didn't think I was claustrophobic but apparently I was wrong!

Today we went to Cherokee St. ( ) and had a look at a few shops - many were filled with very beautiful pieces and we had a great afternoon.

One shop particularly was of interest called Purple Cow Antiques... I hope you enjoy the few pictures that follow - all the pictures from this afternoon on up on my facebook site.
The description below Mary reads "For lightening protection consult us"

Many Thanks and I love you all!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Beginning of Winter

Well Winter is settling in here in St. Louis, the temperature dropped to 70.0 degrees today, down from 75 yesterday and we are pulling out the parkas and snow boots to "dress for the weather" (thank you mother for that age old tiding ringing in my head). Well it is not quite feeling like winter but we decided to get into the winter spirit - or start at least. We put up a few small Christmas decorations and have been listening to Christmas music and are waiting for the weather to cooperate with Matthew's wishes.

But today we went down to Soulard Market in downtown St. Louis and stocked up on fresh fruits and veggies... We got..
1. 7 ears of corn
2. 2 cantelope
3. 1 pineapple
4. a big bag of shrooms
5. 5 lbs. of potatoes
6. a bag of half molded grapes
7. 2 cucumbers
8. 3 green peppers
9. a bag of big carrots
10. 1 head of romaine lettuce
11. 1 head of broccoli
12. 1 lb. of bacon
13. 1 lb. of ground beef
14. 1 lb. of stew meat
15. 1 lb. of provolone cheese
16. 4 onions

All for $30! Now that sounds good to me!

Today I also spent an hour and a half working at the St. Louis food bank with some St. Mark's people which was a lot of fun and I think my hands are a little bit sore!

Tomorrow Matthew and I have our second American Kantorei concert which is exciting. Tonight we are having dinner with some friends and thats about it for today!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The First of Autumn

Fall in St. Louis is a strange thing...

Blue skies, no clouds, 70 degrees - this is what I would most associate with August - not the first week of November! Where is the rain? It should be getting a little colder now shouldn't it? Well the first of November brought a friends wedding, brothers' birthday, beautiful weather and my first week of work as a CED (Christian Education Director) I really have nothing to complain about.

Matthew and I recently bought the third season of Bones the TV series and watched the entire season last weekend - whew! maybe that wasn't such a good idea - but we have never really been good at pacing ourselves.

I attended my first Sunday at St. Mark's ELCA (where I am the new CED) last Sunday and it was wonderful. The people at the church were warm and friendly and we attended a choir concert that night which was quite nice. It looks like I will be fitting in quite nicely there. :)

Last weekend we also bought plane tickets back home. What we found out was that in the future it would be much better to buy a little farther in advance. The scene was a nightmare as fares were going up literally by the minute and trying to make things cheaper by switching airports and flights just ending up making things more complicated. However Matthew will fly back to our beautiful home in the PNW on Monday December 21st and I will fly in on Thursday December 24th - we will be heading back to St. Louis on New Years Eve - actually our flight takes off at 12:35 that night - who knows maybe they will give us free dessert on the airplane - we can always hope.

Matthew's finals week is next week and then he gets a two week vacation - although there are always a number of tasks that need to get done along with some hours need to be put in for an 'institutional module'. So we will see if Matthew is capable of actually taking a break - my guess is no.

That's it for tonight I think - God's blessings and prayers over you.

Love Halle

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Lovely Last Week

Last week was a little bit crazy...

I decided to not accept the afterschool care job - it was just too long of a commute to work for three hours. The staff there was great but I thought that maybe I would look more for something I am passionate about like TESOL or choir directing - who knows. However they did ask me to cover the position for two weeks - which is fine with me. But this week I am starting at St. Mark's ELCA as a part time DCE - Yay!

So last week I started covering the afterschool care job and on Wednesday Mike and Liz came into town! They got here Wednesday afternoon and left Sunday afternoon - during that time we ate at Schlafly's (the local brewing place), visited Betsey Nagel (Dr. Nagel's wife), had a pumpkin carving party, went downtown to Soulard's Market and the Cathedral Basilica, had a four hour choir rehearsal, had a mini Woodruff family reunion (Matthew's grandmother is a Woodruff and one of ten sibs) and a choir concert. Not to mention going grocery shopping and antique shopping and church. Quite the adventure. We were so glad they could come out and it was very nice to see a familiar face.

So things are just starting up for a job for me and slowing down for Matthew! He has finals next week (they are on a sort of a tri-mester schedule i think) (or maybe quarters i don't really know) which he should do well on and then a two week break for him! No big plans for Thanksgiving right now - we will probably meet up with another sem couple who aren't going home for the holiday either.

Other than that life is going great out here in the MidWest - we haven't quite come up with a "missura" accent yet and am hoping that we never do! The weather has been nice (well to me) rainy and cold - kind of like NorthWest weather - but all the deciduous trees are turning a nice burnt orange color. The real difference is the amount of deciduous trees here - on our hour drive to church every week we see a solid hour of deciduous forest - it is absolutely beautiful!

Love you all and I think this is all the news that I have for now! Some pictures will be posted on facebook of Mike and Liz's time here a little later this week!


Friday, October 16, 2009

Well hello my friends

Another job flash!

Hey everyone I got a second job! I am now a Director of an Afterschool Care and a DCE at an ECLA church! so that is exciting I got the job last week --- I interviewed with the DCE position about three weeks ago and heard nothing back and then I talked to another SEM spouse who actually got the job (she graduated as a DCE) and she said she was going to turn it down and put my name in - the next day I got a call back - had another interview with the Pastor (who is a woman - by the way) and on Tuesday they called and offered a job! so now I have two part time jobs and volunteer and sing in a choir... I went from completely bored to starting to be a little crazy!

Other than that Matthew and I have recently become hooked on the TV show Bones - we are deep into the second season and I have mixed feelings of the show completely freaks me out and I love it... not exactly the ideal feelings...

Anyways Oktoberfest is this weekend at the Seminary - matthew and I will probably go for a little while this weekend - we just made German food last night so I don't know I will be ready to dive back into it tomorrow.

In classical music I recently was listening to: Brazilian Impressions by Ottorino Respighi which I really enjoyed ---

Well I am off to go hang up wedding pictures...

Much Love

Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:12

Monday, October 12, 2009

Actually about an exciting week...

I just wanted to share some exciting news - well that I had last week...

I got a job! Yay! It's only part time as an After School Care Director at a small church - but it is a job! Thank you to all who were praying - this was really an answer to prayer.

Second my friend Kristine got engaged! Yay for them.

Third I was asked to be in my friend Maria's wedding - so lots of exciting things this last week.

This weekend Matthew and I acquired the first two seasons of "Bones" and have watched around half of the first season - it's a little addicting - and I woke up this Monday morning with a sore throat - which means no singing tonight for me - maybe some movie watching though.

Oh and also Matthew and I don't have internet at our house (it really has come to this - I am not sure I thought I could part with beloved wireless - but somehow we are surviving :) so I have to come to the Richmond Heights library to get wireless - so internet communication might be a little slower than usual - just saying....

Love you all

Exciting Week - that was last week...

Well since Matthew and I are here in St. Louis for a little while and everyone else is not in St. Louis I thought I would enter the blogging world - refrain from twitter and everyone would be happy.

So the quick ten second present life story includes:

POlka Dots: I got married to Matthew Warmbier (yes like warm-beer) on August 15th 2009 in Cornelius OR

Blue: Matthew and I spent a week at the Oregon Coast (August 16-21st) and then had a little extra party at my parents house

ReD: We packed our bags - matthew packed a trailer and we headed out with Pearl (my Blazer) into the unknown east. we eventually (after 4 days) ended up in St. Louis MO.

GrEEn: Matthew is attending Concordia Seminary in St. Louis MO doing Pastoral (only metaphorical shepherding) Ministry which is a 4 year degree program the first two are spent in St. Louis, the third is spent in a vicarage church (it's like a one year internship somewhere in the country - we find out a few months before we leave) and the fourth back in St. Louis

Stripes: Halle has a part time job working as a After School Care Director in Illinois and Matthew and Halle both sing in the American Kantorei which is a professional choir which sings baroque music (The term Baroque is also used to designate the style of music composed during a period that overlaps with that of Baroque art, but usually encompasses a slightly later period. Antonio Vivaldi, J.S. Bach and G.F. Handel are often considered its culminating figures. - - now that I am finished with college I feel no qualms about citing wikipedia).

Thanks for reading...