Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Christmas Spirit

Today is my last day in the great Pacific Northwest. I am sitting in a big comfy chair at my in-laws house (no not the really big comfy chair) watching the rain washing away the snow. Overall this break has been the rest, relaxation and jubilation that I needed!

What have I been doing? Well... Last Tuesday, let's see that would be the 22nd, I flew into Seattle from St. Louis to surprise my mom. My mother thought I was going to be flying into Portland on the 26th and my family managed to keep quite a tight lip about the real time. I was driven from the airport home by my brother. My dad opened the front door, my mom looks up at me from her computer, looks back down, realizes who she is seeing, looks back up and starts yelling out of excitement.
"What is wrong, why are you here?"
Well merry Christmas mom!! Apparently after the fact she said her first thoughts were, "Did someone die? Something must be terribly wrong!" So we laughed about it as we moved my bags into my old room.

Matthew came up later that day (he flew into Portland the day before - Monday - into PDX) and we spent three lovely days with my family and friends. Christmas morning my brothers, Mel, mom and dad, grandma and grandpa, and a friend of Christopher's all gathered around with Matthew and I to celebrate Christmas (oh and Watson too). Of course there were lots of fun things given and received - I got some great clothes, a coast guard nutcracker, a new raincoat, a new computer power cord from Christopher and lots of love. I was reminded that Christmas isn't really about the presents, well at least now that I am out of elementary school, but it is about family and Jesus setting the ultimate example of love for us. Not a love that judges, excludes or refuses, but one that gives after being refused, judged and excluded - an interesting principle that I have forgotten these last few months. Its nice to be reminded.

So later Christmas day we made the trek down to Cornelius to Matthew's Parent's house. We were welcomed with open arms by Mike, Liz, Katie, and Steph and Robbie. It was great again to see them after such a long time. We opened up presents after dinner and had a wonderful end of Christmas with them.

Saturday Liz, Katie, Steph and I attacked the mall at 8am, ready to search and find those precious sales, while waiting for Katie in the dressing room :) . Sunday we went to church and spoke with the congregation that has been supporting us for so long. Also saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie - thought it was a good mixture of seeming superstitious and also explaining the superstition away - a good demonstration of a more spiritual superstitious culture which we have not seen in America for quite some time (which has both pros and cons - just to clarify).

Monday started grumpily and turned glorious - how is that for an introduction?! I was supposed to meet with my best friends aka the liver girls but unfortunately one's car broke down, one got really sick, and two I couldn't get a hold of. I mean I have been looking forward to seeing them so much - since I hadn't seen them since mid-august. So i guess I could wait one more day - right? Well Matthew and I - both grumpy and unpleasant travelled to CU to drop some papers off for Matthews dad and we decided to drop by the Eggerts house (the Eggerts provided marriage counseling for Matthew and I, and John Eggert married us). We were able to speak with both John and Jeanette over a quaint cup of tea. Please remember John in your prayers as he suffers from lack of energy and the doctors not being able to figure it out. Overall it was so good to sit down and discuss St. Louis and life with these dear friends and mentors.

Tuesday the sun started getting a little brighter (metaphorically of course) Kristine, Maria and I met for brunch and simply talked. It was so refreshing to once more be in company of these beautiful, intelligent and motivated women. We quickly went to Target and then back to Kristine's house (where Maria and I both lived at different points) our eventual goal was to head back to the Warmbier's house where we would be celebrating Matthew's birthday with a number of friends. While we were at Kristine's house it started snowing wonderfully large flakes. We left Kristine's house about 10 minutes later to start our journey towards Hillsboro when we hit traffic - with the snowfall, rush hour, and Portland drivers (who incidentally all have seemingly allergic reactions to snowfall) the normal 45 minute journey ended up taking over 2 hours. By the point the snow was building up and Kristine and Maria decided they would spend the night rather than trying to get home through the snow ridden roads in the dark. Because of the snowfall (I am telling you - Western Washington and Oregon residents are terrified of snow) Many people couldn't come make it to the party but we had a good time with my parents, Matthew's parents, Kristine, maria and Alicia.

Despite the predictions from our wonderful weathermen that the snow would have disappeared by the morning it dawned clear with snow crystals still decorating the scenery. Kristine, Maria, Matthew and I traveled into town to meet the one remaining elusive liver girl that I had yet to see - Courtney. Meeting at Starbucks like old times and then having lunch at BJ's was like an infusion of warmth to my heart. Parting out of exhaustion and prior engagements we departed tired and comforted to spend the rest of the day watching movies and just relaxing (while Matthew was nursing a runny nose).

Today promises once again to be full of heart and love. Serena is finally able to make the journey to Portland where Kristine, Courtney and I will be able to meet with her. Talk about full of love! this Christmas has allowed me to think, has reminded me that life is much more than me, and enabled me to be with family. New Years Resolutions -I don't need them - but Christ has offered a pretty good guideline on how to live already - feed the poor - take care of orphans and widows in distress - love your neighbors as you love yourself - love God above all... that is what I need.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog Halle. My morning devotion today was in James 1. This is the the last verce.

    James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
