Monday, October 12, 2009

Exciting Week - that was last week...

Well since Matthew and I are here in St. Louis for a little while and everyone else is not in St. Louis I thought I would enter the blogging world - refrain from twitter and everyone would be happy.

So the quick ten second present life story includes:

POlka Dots: I got married to Matthew Warmbier (yes like warm-beer) on August 15th 2009 in Cornelius OR

Blue: Matthew and I spent a week at the Oregon Coast (August 16-21st) and then had a little extra party at my parents house

ReD: We packed our bags - matthew packed a trailer and we headed out with Pearl (my Blazer) into the unknown east. we eventually (after 4 days) ended up in St. Louis MO.

GrEEn: Matthew is attending Concordia Seminary in St. Louis MO doing Pastoral (only metaphorical shepherding) Ministry which is a 4 year degree program the first two are spent in St. Louis, the third is spent in a vicarage church (it's like a one year internship somewhere in the country - we find out a few months before we leave) and the fourth back in St. Louis

Stripes: Halle has a part time job working as a After School Care Director in Illinois and Matthew and Halle both sing in the American Kantorei which is a professional choir which sings baroque music (The term Baroque is also used to designate the style of music composed during a period that overlaps with that of Baroque art, but usually encompasses a slightly later period. Antonio Vivaldi, J.S. Bach and G.F. Handel are often considered its culminating figures. - - now that I am finished with college I feel no qualms about citing wikipedia).

Thanks for reading...


  1. You are amazing! You are bright and beautiful and strong! You are salt and light...shine on!

  2. Halle, What exciting news---we knew that things would come together for you--just takes time----Grandpa says if it wasn't for good German food--where would we be!!
    Got the package today--will look at it tonight--thanks so much LOL Grandma and Grandpa
