Monday, October 26, 2009

A Lovely Last Week

Last week was a little bit crazy...

I decided to not accept the afterschool care job - it was just too long of a commute to work for three hours. The staff there was great but I thought that maybe I would look more for something I am passionate about like TESOL or choir directing - who knows. However they did ask me to cover the position for two weeks - which is fine with me. But this week I am starting at St. Mark's ELCA as a part time DCE - Yay!

So last week I started covering the afterschool care job and on Wednesday Mike and Liz came into town! They got here Wednesday afternoon and left Sunday afternoon - during that time we ate at Schlafly's (the local brewing place), visited Betsey Nagel (Dr. Nagel's wife), had a pumpkin carving party, went downtown to Soulard's Market and the Cathedral Basilica, had a four hour choir rehearsal, had a mini Woodruff family reunion (Matthew's grandmother is a Woodruff and one of ten sibs) and a choir concert. Not to mention going grocery shopping and antique shopping and church. Quite the adventure. We were so glad they could come out and it was very nice to see a familiar face.

So things are just starting up for a job for me and slowing down for Matthew! He has finals next week (they are on a sort of a tri-mester schedule i think) (or maybe quarters i don't really know) which he should do well on and then a two week break for him! No big plans for Thanksgiving right now - we will probably meet up with another sem couple who aren't going home for the holiday either.

Other than that life is going great out here in the MidWest - we haven't quite come up with a "missura" accent yet and am hoping that we never do! The weather has been nice (well to me) rainy and cold - kind of like NorthWest weather - but all the deciduous trees are turning a nice burnt orange color. The real difference is the amount of deciduous trees here - on our hour drive to church every week we see a solid hour of deciduous forest - it is absolutely beautiful!

Love you all and I think this is all the news that I have for now! Some pictures will be posted on facebook of Mike and Liz's time here a little later this week!


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